TC LESNINA – Split, Dugopolje
 Area: 25.000 m2
 Year of construction:  2003
 Business warehouse facility “MARASOVIĆ” – Split, Dugopolje
 Area:  6.000 m2
 Year of construction:  2003
 TC MERKUR – Zadar
 Area: 7.800 m2
 Year of construction:  2003
 Business warehouse facility “INERO” – Split, Dugopolje
 Area: 5.100 m2
 Year of construction:  2003
 Business warehouse facility “VLAMANDA” – Split, Dugopolje
 Area:  1.700 m2
 Year of construction:  2003
 UPOV “STUPE” montažna hala prostora rešetki i pjeskolova i mastolova – Split
 Area: 1.500 m2
 Year of construction:  2003
 Business warehouse facility “NINA” – Kiseljak
 Area:  1.500 m2
 Year of construction:  2003
 Business warehouse facility “DELUX” – Grude
 Area:  1.450 m2
Year of construction: 2003